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Breast Cancer Angels
Breast Cancer Angels is a local non-profit 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to providing financial assistance to individuals undergoing breast cancer treatment.
In the United States, cancer is among the most expensive medical conditions to treat. According to the National Cancer Institute, (cancer.gov), there is growing evidence of financial hardship among people with cancer. In addition to care and treatment expenses, patients with cancer and their families also have substantial nonmedical costs, (such as transportation to treatment), and may miss work and lose income. As a result, some patients and their families are forced to decide between paying for their cancer care and covering the costs of basic household needs, such as food, housing, and utilities. The American College of Surgeons, (facs.org), states that cancer patients are nearly 5 times more likely to experience bankruptcy.
Breast Cancer Angels offers immediate financial relief by providing gift cards for groceries and gas, rental and mortgage assistance, and help with medical co-pays to those in need. Our goal is to ensure that no breast cancer patient is forced to make the decision between treatment and food, allowing them to focus on their health, wellbeing, and time with friends and family.